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Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education,
Institute of Education Sciences
(IES Award # R324X220032)
Why we do what we do:
Language is the key to learning and developing relationships. When parents are supported to best help their children learn language, you give them a key to success!

Many young children have language delays. We developed Parents Plus to provide parents with a convenient way to learn strategies to help their children's language development.
Our early research showed that Parents Plus is an effective way to improve children's language skills AND parents report that they found the program helpful and enjoyable.
Now, we are doing a larger test of Parents Plus. We want to see whether Parents Plus (in addition to the regular speech-language services that children receive at school or in the community) leads to faster and bigger gains in preschool children’s language development.

We are looking for 100 families who will help us test how well Parents Plus works to improve children’s language skills.
All parents who sign up for the research study will have an opportunity to use Parents Plus for free as well as receive other incentives, like Amazon gift cards (see more information below).
We know parents are busy! So we want to be sure Parents Plus is a good match for your child and family. Our team will work with you to determine whether the program is a good fit.
Parents Plus is a match for:
Preschool-age children ages 3-5 years old with language delays.
They may be receiving speech and language services already but do not have to be.
Children should speak in at least 2 word sentences on their own.
Children's speech should be understandable by most adults
Families should speak primarily English in the home (Parents Plus is currently only in English)

If you are interested in using Parents Plus, join our research study!
Benefits of participating in this study include:
Learning ways to help your child's language development
Receiving incentives, such as an iPad or $300
Contributing to the development of effective programs that can help other children